(Yōkoso - welcome)

Japanese people often use a concept called ikigai. Ikigai is central to finding one’s satisfaction and meaning in life. The straight forward translation of ikigai is “reason for being.” Ikigai is certainly not tied to a financial status. It’s what puts a smile on your face when you wake up in the morning and keeps you motivated all day. Ikigai doesn’t need to be a large “thing”, it’s all about enjoying the litle things in life. A warm morning sun in your face, the birds whistling their song,

The Western world translated the ikigai way of life into a coaching strategy. For a lot of people finding their
ikigai can be a long process that requires deep reflection into their wants and needs in all areas of their life

What is your IKIGAI 生き甲斐


My name is Jeffrey. I’m the owner and designer of IKIGAI audio. I’ve been into audio probably sooner than I could walk. Starting as an enthusiast because of my father. When I was in my teens I began building my own loudspeakers. Audio was also one of the reasons why I started my study in Product Design. Seeking the best musical performance a student can buy for his “college” money.

When I graduated I worked at different companies in audio and video like Kharma and Philips in the Netherlands. Designing speakers, cables, camera systems and various audio and video accessories for many years. There I learned a lot how to really listen to music and the physics and techniques to fully reproduce it.

Connecting your Passion

The 3 levels of audio diviness

Sugure - Kangai - Kinzan


We named our product levels SUGURE – KANGAI – KINZAN.  SUGURE is our entry level and KINZAN our top tier.

Although each level is based on the same basic principle and therefore share the same family DNA and sonic footprint, they all have their own character. This is the case for our cables and equipment feet!

Joy in the little things

Question? Feel free to ask!