
Showreport 11th Dutch Audio Event 2022

Cables from IKIGAI audio were used in two different rooms at the Koningshof in Veldhoven during the 11th edition of the Dutch Audio Event 2022. Although both rooms had very different setups and signature, they both gathered a lot of attention and wonderful feedback.

All articles and video’s are placed within this blog for your convenience. Clicking the link will open up a new tab in your browser and/or YouTube app when you use an Android or iOS device, so it will be easy to head back to this page to continue reading.

Room no. 1

Right near the entrance, in the 100 square meter room 63 of the Koningshof at Veldhoven the Netherlands, we joined our forces in a close collaboration between IKIGAI audio, HNNY Benelux and Audiotweaks. Together we presented a top system with a number of novelties which you can read here on our previous blog.

Unfortunately Fyne audio didn’t make the deadline to introduce the new Vintage Fifteen in the Netherlands, but we were lucky to use the Fyne F1.12 instead.

Setup was challenging due to the square room and the number of standing waves. Finetuning was done by our dedicated show team. Even the laser came in handy from our IKIGAI workshop. If you look closely in the following picture, you will see the red cross lines on the back wall. In the end all turned out well within the given conditions and we had a great time presenting the system and of course our cables in general, to the public. The KINZAN line is well received!

At the end of this blogpost there are some shots of the setup and one of the many moments we had in a filled/crowed room.

Room no. 2

Very Fine Solutions and IKIGAI Audio also joined forces at the Dutch Audio Event in room 111 almost at the far most end of the exhibition!
Frank Vermeylen and Martine Driesen showed following beautiful lineup mainly consisting TRAX, PinkFaun and IKIGAI audio gear:

  • Thrax Audio Lyra with Bassus speakers
  • Thrax Heros MK2 monoblock amplifiers
  • Thrax Dionysos preamplifier
  • Pink Faun 2.16 Ultra network player
  • Thrax Maximinus DAC



IKIGAI audio cables used where from the KINZAN and KANGAI lineup.


Video’s show coverage by visitors and journalists

The organization made a very nice promotional video of the Dutch Audio Event you can spot our systems very easily here. There is even an aftermovie to give you the right vibe how good it was.

Gregor Rothensee and Michael Christ joined us several times to have a listen. You can here Micheal’s video report here on his YouTube channel ‘HEADquarter Audio’. Pleas jump to the sections at 5 seconds for room 63, 15m43 for room 111 and 27m11 for room 63 again. Music played in both rooms is the song ‘Closer‘ by Ane Brun on her album ‘How Beauty Holds the Hand of Sorrow’.

Harm Rekers recorded room 111 beautifully here

Also the YouTube channel ‘The Rolling Troll’ recorded both our rooms here. Room 111 is at 15m43 and room 63 is at 33:38.


Writing and photo coverage by journalists:

Linette and Stuart Smith from Hifi Pig paid us a visit. Both in room 63 and in room 111. Room 111 also became their article headline photo! We are very, very proud because of this. Thank you again Linette and Stuart! You can read their full show article here. Can you spot us?

Trevor Butler reported for The EAR. We were proud to have him in our room. It was a pleasure meeting you Trevor! His article starts with his visit and interview with Jeffrey in room 63. You can read the full report here:

Mono and Stereo made a beautiful photo report which you can find here.

Rooms 63 and 111 were also covered by the team here. Thank you Ivo Meijer and team! It was great meeting you again! Thank you for the wonderful write up and interview with Jeffrey which you can read here.


IKIGAI audio wants to give thanks and big thumbs up to all who helped making this 11th DAE edition, one to remember. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Piet de Vries, Siedy and Arjen from Audiotweaks:

Henny from HNNY Benelux:

Frank Vermeylen and Martine Driesen from Very Fine Solutions:


Please also visit the websites from the brands we used on the show and which all partners actively distribute:



ETI Research:

Fyne Audio:

IKIGAI audio:

Pachanko labs:




Thrax audio:

IKIGAI audio
Connecting your passion